Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here we go!

This summer my Mom and I are participating in a Community Supported Agriculture program at our local, organic farm.  We are splitting a share of the vegetable subscription program at Bay End Farm. Yesterday was our first pick up of the season and let's just say I'm not sure I made the best debut.  Pick up day is Wednesday and I have a standing appointment at my personal trainer's on Wednesday that takes me right by the farm so it will be easy for me to stop each week to pick up.  However I had another engagement yesterday that I needed to get to so I was rushing (as usual).  I did take a minute to introduce myself to Erin, whom I'd communicated via email over the winter, but I was in and out pretty quickly.  When I got back to the parking area someone had parked beside me and so it was a tight squeeze to get out.  And as I looked around I noticed all the other vehicles were smaller and much more gas efficient. The irony of my gas guzzling SUV unable to maneuver in the parking lot of an organic farm stand was not lost on me.  But I had places to be so I quickly sped away.

It wasn't until this morning that I was really able to look at the treats I received in my bag of goodies. My mom split them up yesterday for us and put mine away so I didn't even get to look at them for a minute.  Here is what our bag contains this week:

French Bell Radishes
Joi Choi
Yukina Savoy
Panisse Lettuce
Broccoli Rabe
Pea Tendrils
Young Garlic
Chive Blossoms

I already had to Google some of them so I could identify what was what and they are now labeled in my fridge.  Certainly some things were easily identifiable and I already know how I'll use them - chives, radishes, arugula, broccoli rabe.  But others are presenting more of a mystery - joi choi, yukina savoy and even pea tendrils.  I know in a lot of cases the best preparation will be either none or a very simple one as to really savor the flavours of the vegetable.  But I am excited to try different things and different recipes that feature some new ingredients. 

That enthusiasm and the journey I hope to be taking every week when I get my bag of veggies is what led me to start this blog.  We all need to be more cognizant of not only what we eat but where it comes from and certainly eating "in season" would help with our personal health and our planet's health. So maybe you (the mystery you that will somehow find your way to my blog) will be inspired by my efforts to explore different vegetables and menus - or at least you'll be entertained by my escapades!

You can learn more about Bay End Farm at  While the CSA is subscription based and I believe full for this season they do have a farm stand that is open to the public on Thursday and Saturdays. For more information please visit their website.

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