Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Not my Most Successful Dish!

I have to admit I wasn't overly thrilled with my dinner this evening but I think I may have tried to be too healthful. Or perhaps my previous aversion to greens is catching up with me.  In any event, I made some brown rice which I will admit has been something only in the last two years I've been able to consume without yearning for the empty calorie, white version. 

Over the brown rice I had sauteed young garlic with chard, spinach and some julienne of yellow bell pepper.  I also sprinkled a little Thai Red Pepper sauce over the greens for some heat.  I enjoyed maybe the first 6 bites and then it started to lose me.  My inspiration as I mentioned in an early post was a friend saying she did a similar dish over wild rice and I think that may have been key. The wild rice would have added more flavour and texture which was sorely missing in this dish.  What I do have to say is that I once again really enjoyed the flavour from the young garlic - it's a mellow, sweet garlic flavour and it's very yummy.

Oh and I'm now regretting handing over the entire bunch of kale to my Mom!  A friend suggested fried kale chips and I've seen Melissa D'Arabian makes those and swear by them. She says her kids request them!  So I may have to get back some of that kale and give those a try.

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